AD Enum Exploit Misconfiguration through the Protocol LDAP
AD Enum Exploit Misconfiguration through the Protocol LDAP

AD Enum: Exploit Misconfiguration through the Protocol LDAP

AD Enum is a pentesting tool that allows to find misconfiguration through the the protocol LDAP and exploit some of those weaknesses with kerberos.

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usage: -d [domain] -u [username] -p [password]

Pentest tool that detect misconfig in AD with LDAP

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -d  [domain]     The name of domain (e.g. "test.local")
  -u  [username]   The user name
  -p  [password]   The user password
  -ip [ipAddress]  The IP address of the server (e.g. "")
  -j               Enable hash cracking (john)
  -jp [path]       John binary path
  -w  [wordList]   The path of the wordlist to be used john (Default: /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Leaked-Databases/rockyou.txt
  -v, --version    Show program's version number and exit
  -s               Use LDAP with SSL


 $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Features and Functionality


  • Enum Domain Admin users
  • Enum Domain Controllers
  • Enum Domain users with Password Not Expire
  • Enum Domain users with old password
  • Enum Domain users with interesting description
  • Enum Domain users with not the default encryption
  • Enum Domain users with Protecting Privileged Domain Accounts


  • AS-REP Roastable
  • Kerberoastable
  • Password cracking with john (krb5tgs and krb5asrep)


Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics

ATA detects two supisous events but does not trigger an alert:

  • The connection in LDAP without SSL
  • The Kerberoastable attack

As shown in this screenshot:

ATA detection





Dark Mode

ADenum (this link opens in a new window) by SecuProject (this link opens in a new window)

AD Enum is a pentesting tool that allows to find misconfiguration through the the protocol LDAP and exploit some of those weaknesses with kerberos.