Air Script is Wi-Fi pwning Swiss Army knife that also has optional email notifications for when handshakes have been captured.
Air Script is an automated and automatic way to pwn wifi.

What is Air Script
Air Script will automatically pwn every network in range in a matter of seconds to minutes without any user input. When Air-Script is done. It will automatically turn off monitor mode, and send you an email notification. (Notifications are optional) Then Air Script will ask you what wordlist to use, and will try to bruteforce the password for you. (When asked for wordlist, click Enter or Ctrl + C to skip.)
Air Script is a great tool for lazy people, script kiddies, and anyone who wants to pwn on the go. (Especially without being noticed. Easily hide a Pi in your pocket, connect via ssh with mobile hotspot or ad hoc and pwn the world!)
If on Raspberry Pi, it’s recommended to skip bruteforce and transfer handshakes from Pi to PC to decrypt the password.
Create or upload your own wordlist to Air Script. More wordlists means a higher chance of getting the password!
Also note you will have to convert .cap files to .hccap yourself if you want to use hashcat (This will be an automated option in the future)
Use this if you don’t know how to convert: (Convert handshake for hashcat, this is optional)

Email Notifications
Don’t want to sit around and pay attention to what’s happening? Yeah, me either… That’s why Air Script will ask you if you want an email notification when it’s done pwning networks. No set up, no fuss, just type in a working email address and air script will do the rest.
Dont Want To Use Only Air Script?
That’s okay, me either! That’s why Air Script comes with extra tools! See changelog for a list of added tools. Air Script comes loaded with a variety of extra tools to improve workflow for hackers, pentesters and security researchers. Either install all or choose which tools to install to save space.
Mobile & Raspberry Pi
- NO JAILBREAK is required to SSH to your Pi from iOS device! Just download the “Terminus” app from AppStore
- NO ROOT is required to SSH to Pi from Android. Download a terminal of your choice from Google Play
- For Raspberry Pi users, it’s recommended to select only the tools you need to save on space.

How To Install
- Open Terminal
- Run commands:
git clone
cd air-script
sudo chmod +x && chmod +x
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./
If on a Debian based distro. Feel free to install the air-script Debian package.
- To install see releases and install the latest release of air-script.deb
Please note: this is a pre-release and might have issues
How To Run
cd air-script
sudo ./
If installed as a deb package, you can find air-script in your toolbar under applications.
How To Uninstall This Garbage Script?
It’s a shame to see you go. No hard feelings!
- Please go to “Help” (Option 8)
- Select “Uninstall” (Option 4)
If you installed deb package:
- sudo apt remove air-script
- Select ‘Help’ (option 8)
- Email for support (
air-script (this link opens in a new window) by B3ND1X (this link opens in a new window)
Air Script is Wi-Fi pwning Swiss Army knife that also has optional email notifications for when handshakes have been captured.