Aparoid Static and Dynamic Android App Security Analysis
Aparoid Static and Dynamic Android App Security Analysis

Aparoid: Static and Dynamic Android App Security Analysis

Aparoid is a framework designed for Android application analysis. It offers an automated set of tools to discover vulnerabilities and other risks in mobile applications. It is built using the Flask framework and offers a web GUI to upload APK files and explore the contents / results.

The current version offers the following features:

  • APK decompilation using jadx
  • Vulnerability detection system (rules configurable using the dashboard)
  • Binary file risk analysis
  • Custom features for frameworks like React Native, Flutter, Xamarin and Cordova
  • Android Manifest security checks
  • Dynamic analysis on all (rooted) Android devices (physical, emulated and cloud based)
  • Frida scripts for the bypass of root detection, SSL pinning and debugger detection (custom scripts are also supported)
  • Automatic installation of a root CA certificate (also supports Burp Suite)
  • HTTP(S) interception proxy and real-time traffic viewer using Kafka
  • Real-time application stored data browser


git clone https://github.com/stefan2200/aparoid
cd aparoid
docker-compose up

Local version

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip sqlite3 default-jre android-tools-adb gunicorn libmagic1
git clone https://github.com/stefan2200/aparoid
cd aparoid
python3 -m pip install --upgrade requirements.txt

# The python-magic-bin library is required on Windows
python3 -m pip install python-magic-bin

# Start the server on port 7300

Optionally, it is recommended to install Kafka if you want to use most of the dynamic analysis features. The command below also installs Postgres (way faster than SQLite). You can switch to Postgres by modifying the config.py file.

cd collector
docker-compose up -d

Aparoid features

Aparoid checks for a lot of code vulnerabilities and issues.

Android static analysis with Aparoid
Android static analysis with Aparoid

A list of vulnerabilities can be browsed with followable references to the source code.

list of vulnerabilities
list of vulnerabilities

Additionally, it also analyses native binaries for hardening techniques and gives some information on how the technique can improve security.

Search for hardening techniques
Search for hardening techniques

The static code analysis engine offers an easy-to-use database system to add or maintain static code vulnerabilities.

Aparoid database system
Aparoid database system

One of the most awesome features is the option to automatically create frida patches based on the decompiled source code.

Automatic patches
Automatic patches

The dynamic analyser can be used to enumerate, install and instrument installed applications. Additionally, this is also where you can automatically install the correct frida version for your device.

Android dynamic analyzer
Android dynamic analyzer

Once you have selected a package you can control frida scripts and route all of the application’s traffic trough a proxy server. Aperoid uses mitmproxy by default to intercept traffic and log it to Kafka.

Control scripts for frida
Control scripts for frida

The dynamic page also offers functionality to browse the application data real-time.

Aparoid dynamic page
Aparoid dynamic page