Cook A Customizable Wordlist and Password Generator
Cook A Customizable Wordlist and Password Generator

Cook: A Customizable Wordlist and Password Generator

Easily create permutations and combinations of words with predefined sets of extensions, words and patterns/function. You can use this tool to easily create complex endpoints and passwords. Customizing tool according to your unique secrets keywords.


Using Go

go get


GO111MODULE=on go get


go get -u

Download latest builds

Customizing tool

By customizing you will able to make and use your own lists and patterns/functions.

  1. Create empty file named cook.yaml or Download cook.yaml
  2. Create an environment variable COOK =Path of file How to setup up env variable?
  3. Done, Run cook -config

Basic Permutation

Basic Permutation for wordlists
Basic Permutation for wordlists


cook -start admin,root  -sep _,-  -end secret,critical  start:sep:end
cook admin,root:_,-:secret,critical

Advance Permutation

Understanding concept is important!

Advance Permutation for wordlist
Advance Permutation for wordlist

Predefined Sets

Predefined Sets for Wordlist
Predefined Sets for Wordlist


cook -start admin,root  -sep _ -end secret  start:sep:archive
cook admin,root:_:archive

Create your own unique sets

Create your own unique sets
Create your own unique sets

Use it like CRUNCH

Cook like Crunch
Cook like Crunch


Patterns and Functions
Patterns and Functions


cook -name elliot -birth date(17,Sep,1994) name:birth


Regex Input from File

Regex Input from File
Regex Input from File


cook -exp raft-large-extensions.txt:\.asp.*  /:admin:exp

Save Wordlists by Unique Names

Save Wordlists for cook
Save Wordlists for cook

File not found

If file mentioned in param not found, then there will be no errors, instead it will do this

cook -file file_not_exists.txt admin,root:_:file


Letter difference with cook
Letter difference with cook

Using COOK with other tools

Direct fuzzing with GoBuster

cook admin,root:_:archive | gobuster dir -u -w -

Useful Resources

raft-large-extensions.txtList of all extensions
all_tlds.txtList of all tlds

All Sets

        - date(D,M,Y)
        - DMY  
        - MDY 
        - D/M/Y  
        - M/D/Y 
        - D-M-Y  
        - M-D-Y   
        - D.M.Y  
        - M.D.Y  
        - D.Y  
        - M.Y  
        - D.M

# Extension Set, . will added before using this
    config  : [conf, confq, config]
    data    : [xml, json, yaml, yml]
    backup  : [bak, backup, backup1, backup2]
    exec    : [exe, msi, bin, command, sh, bat, crx]
    web     : [html, html5, htm, js, jsx, jsp, wasm, php, php3, php5, php7]
    iis     : [asax, ascx, asmx, aspx, exe, aspx.cs, ashx, axd, config, htm, jar, js, rdl, swf, txt, xls, xml, xsl, zpd, suo, sln]
    archive : [7z, a, apk, xapk, ar, bz2, cab, cpio, deb, dmg, egg, gz, iso, jar, lha, mar, pea, rar, rpm, s7z, shar, tar, tbz2, tgz, tlz, war, whl, xpi, zip, zipx, xz, pak, tar.gz, gz]
    code    : [c, cc, class, clj, cpp, cs, cxx, el, go, h, java, lua, m, m4, php, php3, php5, php7, pl, po, py, rb, rs, sh, swift, vb, vcxproj, xcodeproj, xml, diff, patch, js, jsx]

    css_type: [css, less, scss]
    sheet   : [ods, xls, xlsx, csv, ics vcf]
    slide   : [ppt, pptx, odp]
    font    : [eot, otf, ttf, woff, woff2]
    text    : [doc, docx, ebook, log, md, msg, odt, org, pages, pdf, rtf, rst, tex, txt, wpd, wps]
    audio   : [aac, aiff, ape, au, flac, gsm, it, m3u, m4a, mid, mod, mp3, mpa, pls, ra, s3m, sid, wav, wma, xm]
    book    : [mobi, epub, azw1, azw3, azw4, azw6, azw, cbr, cbz]
    video   : [3g2, 3gp, aaf, asf, avchd, avi, drc, flv, m2v, m4p, m4v, mkv, mng, mov, mp2, mp4, mpe, mpeg, mpg, mpv, mxf, nsv, ogg, ogv, ogm, qt, rm, rmvb, roq, srt, svi, vob, webm, wmv, yuv]
    image   : [3dm, 3ds, max, bmp, dds, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, psd, xcf, tga, thm, tif, tiff, yuv, ai, eps, ps, svg, dwg, dxf, gpx, kml, kmz, webp]