Linux evil toolkit is a pentest framework that aims to centralize, standardize and simplify the use of various tools by security professionals. LITK (Linux evil toolkit) have several common commands, such as dnsenum, nmap, netcat, telnet, ssh, etc. Tools to clone websites, and a page repository used to social engineering.
Is LETK better than setoolkit? Yes, and No, they are frameworks that serve to the same thing and do it in a similar way, but LITK is meant to be an alias with more functions, not a suite that even passes coffee.
- About use: This script was made to automate the steps of gathering information about web targets, the misuse and responsibility of the user, to report bugs or make suggestions open a report on github.
- About automap: The automap module is extremely heavy and not very discreet if used in the wrong way, so enable the proxy, and leave the search with the parameter -T3 (hardcoded), this will avoid problems,
- About Console: The output of the script can be extremely long, so see if your console, (gnome-terminal, cmd, konsole) is configured to display 1000 lines (I particularly recommend 10,000 lines), for professional purposes it allows the documentation, it records the commands, exits and formats the text.
|exit | Close this script
|clear | Clear terminal
|update | Update Linux evil toolkit
|train | Show train in terminal, tuutuu
|INIT | Setup global variables
|reset | Clear terminal and reset global variables
|cover | Cover your tracks on your computer
|portscanner | This command is replaced by automap
|automap | Scanner target, grep ports, services, operational system,
| | firewall rules and more.
|search | Search email, whois and banner grep
|status | Show machine status
|dnsscanner | Scan for 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'NS', 'PTR', 'SOA'
|dirscanner | Scan files and folders
|banner | Show Linux evil Toolkit banner in terminal
|webdns | Show Web Sites for dns scanner
|linuxfiles | Show important linux files
|linuxfolders | Show important linux folders
|linuxutil | Show useful commands in linux
|test | For development only
Backend Functions
From engine module
Engine.INIT() | Setup variables
Engine.sys("ls") | Test Function
Engine.R() | Reset variables
Engine.cover() | Cover bash history
Engine.compress() | Compress files
Engine.port_scanner() | Repleced by automap | Search whois, emails, banner grep
Engine.status() | Show machine status
Engine.dns_scanner() | Scan for 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'NS', 'PTR', 'SOA'
Emgine.dir_scanner() | Brute force for search files and folders
Automap.less_boring() | Execute automap host scan
Automap.assembly() | Backend function
Automap.exec() | Backend function
Visual.banner() | Function for show text
Visual.web_dns() | Function for show text
Visual.linux_files() | Function for show text
Visual.linux_folders() | Function for show text
Visual.linux_util() | Function for show text
Interpreter.interpreter() | Backend function
Interpreter.main() | Backend function
linux-evil-toolkit (this link opens in a new window) by th3void (this link opens in a new window)
Linux Evil Toolkit (LETK), and a framework for pentest automation, written in ruby, makes the use of various security tools simple and fast.