SSRF-Detector A SSRF-Tool Written in Golang
SSRF-Detector A SSRF-Tool Written in Golang

SSRF-Detector: A SSRF-Tool Written in Golang

A SSRF-Tool written in golang

Upcoming Features

  • Fetch endpoints from Javascript files ✅
  • Bruteforce parameters ✅
  • Find SSRF in those parameters ✅
  • Match multiple patterns in the response ✅
  • Check Post Request ❌
  • Check Headers ❌


  • Wordlist Creation
  • Inject in every parameter one by one
  • Very fast speed
  • Inject into paths
  • Silent Mode
  • Fetch endpoints from Javascript files
  • Bruteforce parameters
  • Find SSRF in those parameters
  • Match multiple patterns in the response


Make sure when creating wordlists or finding ssrf with my tool that the domains are resolved. You can use:

  • httpx
  • httprobe
  • massdns

To do so.

Also, Make sure to customerise your patterns file for greater results



go get -u
Use SSRF-Detector
Use SSRF-Detector
Example SSRF-Detector
Example SSRF-Detector

Find SSRF in paths with Subfinder,httpx

subfinder -d -silent | httpx -silent >> domains | ssrf-tool -domains domains -payloads ssrf.txt -silent=false -paths=true -patterns patterns.txt
Find SSRF in paths
Find SSRF in paths


Wordlist Creation

echo "" | getJS -complete | ssrf-tool -gen=true

Can be used with other tools like subfinder & amass

BruteForce For SSRF

echo "" | getJS -complete | ssrf-tool -domains domains -silent=false -brute=true -gen=true -patterns patterns.txt -parameters params.txt

Can be used with other tools like subfinder & amass

Testing The Paths

ssrf-tool -domains domains -silent=false -patterns patterns.txt -paths=true -brute=false -payloads ssrf.txt

Can be used with other tools like subfinder & amass

Testing Parameters with waybackurls

echo "" | waybackurls >> domains ; ssrf-tool -domains domains -silent=false -paths=false -payloads ssrf.txt

Can be used with other tools like subfinder & amass