A Subdomain Enumeration and Validation tool for Bug Bounty and Pentesters.
Key Features
- OSINT + Subdomain Bruteforcing
- Capable of handling outputs from multiple tools
- Handling False Positives and Filters subdomains with same resolutions.
- Checking for Server Banners and Ports
- Incredibly Fast
- Handling domains with larger scopes
- Port Scanning
Installing stable version directly from PYPI:
$ pip3 install subrake
Installing latest build:
$ git clone https://github.com/hash3liZer/Subrake.git
$ cd Subrake/
$ python3 setup.py install
Run after installation:
$ subrake --help
Subrake is highly flexible and is made to work under different situations. It can parse output files from multiple tools collectively. It does OSINT search alongside wordlist bruteforcing and before actual bruteforcing, it removes similar subdomains and false positives. It does also support a filter which when supplied allows you to seperate subdomains with same IP addresses in the final CSV result. Let’s see some of the Subrake uses:
A simple run with OSINT results from search engines:
$ subrake -d google.com
Subrake with Multiple Threads:
$ subtake -d google.com -t 50
Subrake with OSINT results + SecLists subdomains list:
$ subrake -d google.com --wordlists SecLists/Discovery/DNS/namelist.txt
Subrake with OSINT results + Multiple SecLists subdomains list:
$ subrake -d google.com --wordlists SecLists/Discovery/DNS/namelist.txt,SecLists/Discovery/DNS/dns-Jhaddix.txt
Subrake without OSINT + Output from multiple tools combined + IP Filtering:
$ domain="google.com"
$ subfinder -d $domain -nW -o $domain/1.txt && sublist3r -d $domain -o $domain/2.txt && cat $domain/* >> /tmp/output.txt
$ subrake -d $domain -w tmp/output.txt --filter --skip-search
Subrake without DNS + OSINT:
$ subrake -d google.com --skip-dns
Subrake with Port Scanning:
$ subrake -d google.com --ports 8080,8443,8000,23,445
Args Description Default
-h, --help Show this manual NONE
-d, --domain Target domain. Possible
example: [example.com] NONE
-w, --wordlists Wordlists containing subdomains
to test. Multiple wordlists can
be specified. NONE
-t, --threads Number of threads to spawn 25
-o, --output Store final subdomains in a specified file NONE
-c, --csv Store output results in CSV format NONE
-p, --ports Comma-seperated list of ports to scan. NONE
-s, --skip-search Search for subdomains Online from various
sites. FALSE
--filter Filter subdomains with same IP in CSV output FALSE
Helpful with larger scopes.
--skip-dns Skip initial DNS enumeration phase FALSE
--exclude-ips Exclude specified IPs from the final results
Helpful in removing False Positives NONE
Subrake (this link opens in a new window) by hash3liZer (this link opens in a new window)
A Subdomain Enumeration and Validation tool for Bug Bounty and Pentesters.