WebRub Web Reconnaissance Framework
WebRub Web Reconnaissance Framework

WebRub: Web Reconnaissance Framework

Web Reconnaissance Framework Written in Ruby

WebRub Screenshot
WebRub Screenshot


Ruby 2.7
python 3.x


git clone https://github.com/Zeyad-Azima/WebRub.git
cd WebRub && sudo chmod +x install.sh && ./install.sh


1- Features in V0.3

Problems Fixed: Live domain Checker

1-Subdomain Enumeration
  - Subdomain Enumeration Using Findomain [https://github.com/Findomain/Findomain]

2-Subdomain BruteForcing
  - Bruteforce Subdomains using wordlist

3-live domain checker
  - Check live domains for web service

4-Resolve domains to ips
  - Resolving domains to ips

5-Resolve ips to domains
  - Resolving ips to domains

6-Directory BruteForce
  - Bruteforce Web Directories and Files using wordlist

7-Extract Web Headers
  - Extract web headers and web technologies using Whatweb

8-Shodan Searcher
  - Search for target on shodan
  - Extract Headers, Hosts, Open Ports & Vulnerabilities (CVE)

2- Features Coming with the next updates

Urls Extractor (soon)

Parameter Bruteforce (soon)

Server Exploiter (soon)

Port Scanning (soon)

Google Dorking (soon)

Leak Searcher (soon)

WAF Detector (soon)

and more ...