zBuster Bash Script for CTF Automating Basic Enumeration
zBuster Bash Script for CTF Automating Basic Enumeration

zBuster: Bash Script for CTF Automating Basic Enumeration

zBuster is an Bash script built to automate the process of portscanning, vhosts finding, services enumeration and a Dirbusting option.

Help menu by zBuster
Help menu by zBuster


  1. Rustscan
  2. Nmap
  3. Smbclient & Smbmap & crackmapexec
  4. Wpscan
  5. Gobuster
  6. Gospider


git clone https://github.com/zAbuQasem/zBuster
cd zBuster
chmod +x *
sudo ./install.sh

#Make sure to Download Rustsan From: Releases page.


sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/rustscan_2.0.1_amd64.deb


Important Note


Make sure to specify a domain name for better scan results.For HackTheBox, specify the domain name in /etc/hosts file

#Example /etc/hosts	localhost	kali

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
#HackTheBox	spider.htb	pivotapi.htb    bolt.htb

All integrated checks

sudo ./zBuster.sh -u Foo.htb  -s all

Specific check

sudo ./zBuster.sh -u Foo.htb -s <CHECK>

Dirbusting [Dirbuster-meduim wordlist]

./zBuster.sh -u Foo.htb -p <PORT> -x <FILE-EXTENSIONS [OPTIONAL]> -d <HTTPS OR HTTP>  #Must be in this order or args.

For more options:

./zBuster.sh -h

Known issue

If you faced issues with running the script:

sudo rm -rf result-zbuster

If this didn’t work then check your network connection..

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